
POLITICO Playbook: Some certainty - POLITICO - Politico



AMERICA is waking up this morning to certainty. If you’re a supporter of JOE BIDEN, you probably feel good, because he is going to be the next president of the United States, and KAMALA HARRIS is going to be the VP.

IF YOU’RE A SUPPORTER of DONALD TRUMP, you probably feel less good, because his team is claiming widespread voter fraud without evidence, and have left it to RUDY GIULIANI to prove. RUDY has been polling his Twitter followers for instances of fraud, suggesting he’d take their claims to court, and he held a news conference in the parking lot of the Four Seasons Total Landscaping in Philadelphia -- which, as a lot of people have pointed out, was a rundown, low-slung building next to an adult bookstore and the Delaware Valley Cremation Center. (Imagine TRUMP’S reaction when he heard that.)

AMERICANS are waking up to headlines like this: L.A. Times: “BIDEN WINS: LANDMARK ASCENT FOR HARRIS” … Denver Post: “‘Time to heal’”Hartford Courant: “FINALLY, BIDEN”Miami Herald: “BIDEN TAKES THE PRIZE: Vows new direction after rancorous race” … Tampa Bay Times: “BIDEN WINS”Boston Globe: “BIDEN, HARRIS, AND HISTORY”

NATIONAL: WaPo: “Biden defeats Trump” … NYT: “BIDEN BEATS TRUMP: RACE IS FINALLY CALLED AFTER RECORD TURNOUT; CHAOTIC TERM ENDS WITH RARE INCUMBENT LOSS” (with Erin Schaff fistbumping photo, Jmart and Burns lead byline)

HOMETOWN WILMINGTON NEWS JOURNAL: “MR. PRESIDENT: The nation’s first state now has its first commander in chief, and the U.S. has a new beginning under President-elect Joe Biden”

MURDOCH’S EMPIRE TURNS ON TRUMP … N.Y. POST has completed its conversion: “IT’S JOE TIME” … WSJ ed board: “Mr. Trump hates to lose, and no doubt he will fight to the end. But if defeat comes, he will serve himself and his country best by honoring America’s democratic traditions and leaving office with dignity.”


THE PRESIDENT is at his golf course. JOE BIDEN went to church.

WAPO’S ASHLEY PARKER and JOSH DAWSEY: “On Saturday, Donald Trump finally became the one thing he hates the most: a loser."

CHANGES … THE BIDEN-HARRIS TRANSITION has a Twitter account -- @Transition46 -- and a website, Their first videoTHE BIDEN POOL has now become the “Biden transition pool” … FAVORITE FOR PRESS SECRETARY, per BIDEN insiders: SYMONE SANDERS

IT WILL BE REALLY INTERESTING to see how quickly SENATE REPUBLICANS move on from TRUMP. They are silent now, but the Senate is back this week, and a few of them were on the Sunday shows.

SEN. ROY BLUNT (R-Mo.) to GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS on ABC’s “THIS WEEK”: “It's time for the president's lawyers to present the facts and then it's time for those facts to speak for themselves.”


-- ROMNEY ON NBC’S “MEET THE PRESS” to CHUCK TODD: “I don't think the American people want to sign up for the Green New Deal. I don't think they want to sign up for getting rid of coal or oil or gas. I don't think they're interested in Medicare for all or higher taxes that would slow down the economy. But they do want to see a change in leadership in the White House apparently at this stage. And so it's a message which says, ‘All right, a change in leader. But we're not going to be turning a sharp left turn in terms of public policy.’ … In terms of policy, I'm sure he'll have his own agenda. But he worked in the Senate long enough to recognize that there are two parties, that things have to be done on a bipartisan basis. And the more extreme wing of his party is not going to take over policy in this country.”

-- ROMNEY on CNN’S “STATE OF THE UNION” with JAKE TAPPER: ROMNEY: “You're not going to change the nature of President Trump in these last days, apparently, of his presidency. He is who he is. And he has a relatively relaxed relationship with the truth. And so he's going to -- he's going to keep on fighting until the very end.”

-- ROMNEY to CHRIS WALLACE on “FOX NEWS SUNDAY”: “Well, I think it is appropriate for the president to make sure that the vote count has been done properly, to carry out recounts where it’s a very close contest. If there are any irregularities alleged and to follow every legal option he has. That's what you would expect of a president in a setting like this. At the same time, I think it's important to choose one’s words carefully because the eyes of our children are upon us, the eyes of the world are upon us. Every nation in the world is watching with the president of the United States says and there's a battle going on around the world between authoritarianism and freedom and it's important for the cause of democracy and freedom that we don't allege fraud and theft and so forth unless there’s very clear evidence of that and at this stage, that evidence hasn't been produced.”

-- SYMONE SANDERS told TAPPER on CNN’S “STATE OF THE UNION” that a “a number of Republicans ... have reached out” to speak to BIDEN.

AOC MAKES THE ROUNDS … SHE UNLEASHES TO ASTEAD HERNDON … NYT: “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Biden’s Win, House Losses, and What’s Next for the Left”

AND SHE SPOKE TO TAPPER on CNN’S “STATE OF THE UNION”: “There are -- at least in the House caucus -- very deep divisions within the party. And I believe that we need really to come together and not allow Republican narratives to tear us apart. As you mentioned, we have a slimmer Democratic majority. It’s going to be more important than ever for us to work together and not fight each other. And so, when we kind of come out swinging, not 48 hours after Tuesday, when we don't even have solid data yet, pointing fingers and telling each other what to do, it deepens the division in the party and it's irresponsible … to pour gasoline on these already very delicate tensions in the party.”

CHUCK to Biden deputy campaign manager and comms director KATE BEDINGFIELD: “Alright, some people hear the word consensus on the left and they think it means you're going to sell the left out. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said this in an interview about her expectations on how the Biden administration will be to the, to the left of the party, and she says 'the history of the party tends to be that we get really excited about the grassroots to get elected, and then those communities are promptly abandoned right after an election.' Let me ask you this. Do you believe that she's going to be disappointed, or not, when she sees the agenda of the Biden administration in the first six months?”

BEDINGFIELD: “No, I think -- I think that Vice President Biden campaigned on an incredibly progressive and aggressive agenda. Take a look, for example, at his climate plan. It's the boldest, biggest climate plan that's ever been put forward by, you know, by a nominee running for president and now a president-elect. He's going to make good on those commitments. I mean we, you know, he spent time during this campaign bringing people together around, around this climate plan. He was able to get the endorsement of groups like the Sunrise Movement and the endorsement of labor for this plan. It's a big, aggressive plan. It's a perfect example of the kind of, you know, big effort that he is going to make to meet this moment and to meet these crises that we’re in.”

BEHIND THE SCENES: NATASHA KORECKI, MARC CAPUTO and CHRIS CADELAGO: “Grief, relief, and jubilation: How Biden's team survived a wild five days”


THE PRESIDENT AND HIS PEN, by NYT’S MIKE SHEAR and LISA FRIEDMAN: “President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. is poised to unleash a series of executive actions on his first day in the Oval Office, prompting what is likely to be a yearslong effort to unwind President Trump’s domestic agenda and immediately signal a wholesale shift in the United States’ place in the world.

“In the first hours after he takes the oath of office on the West Front of the Capitol at noon on Jan. 20, Mr. Biden has said, he will send a letter to the United Nations indicating that the country will rejoin the global effort to combat climate change, reversing Mr. Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord with more than 174 countries.

“Mr. Biden’s afternoon will be a busy one. He has vowed that on Day 1 he will move rapidly to confront the coronavirus pandemic by appointing a ‘national supply chain commander’ and establishing a ‘pandemic testing board,’ similar to Franklin D. Roosevelt’s wartime production panel. He has said he will restore the rights of government workers to unionize. He has promised to order a new fight against homelessness and resettle more refugees fleeing war. He has pledged to abandon Mr. Trump’s travel ban on mostly Muslim countries and to begin calling foreign leaders in an attempt to restore trust among the United States’ closest allies.”

THE BIDEN AGENDA, via a group of POLITICO stars

-- MICHAEL STRATFORD: “For his tuition-free college plans and more money for poor school districts, Biden needs Congress on board”

-- REBECCA RAINEY and BRYAN BENDER: “Biden will stop the border wall and loosen immigration again”

-- KATY O’DONNELL and VICTORIA GUIDA: “Biden’s efforts to restore anti-discrimination rules in housing could get bogged down in court”

-- BRYAN BENDER: “Biden could take swift action on transgender ban, nuclear weapons”

-- SUSANNAH LUTHI: “Forget Medicare for All — even a public option will be tough to pass”

-- CRISTIANO LIMA: “Biden wants to tackle legal protections for tech companies, though it’s unclear how he’d do it”

-- BRIAN FALER: “Raising taxes on the rich is an easy campaign slogan, but Congress won’t make it easy”

-- GAVIN BADE and ELEANOR MUELLER: “Don’t expect a quick end to Trump’s trade wars”

-- ANTHONY ADRAGNA and BRYAN BENDER: “Climate promises will crash into regulatory bureaucracy”

IN TRUMP WORLD … NYT’S MAGGIE HABERMAN and MIKE SHEAR: “Denial, and Resignation, From Trump and a Handful of Aides”: “Mr. Trump’s advisers said the president has refused to acknowledge that he has lost, maintaining his baseless accusation that Democrats had stolen the election.

“But they do not believe he will try in any way to block Mr. Biden from taking office, and said that if he has not delivered a formal concession speech by the time he departs, pressure may mount on his Republican allies, family members and friends to convince him that he must give in to the inevitable and let the American people know that he accepts their judgment. …

“Some aides were candid with Mr. Trump that there was not much of a path forward, even though they said they would continue on. Only a few had doubted that Mr. Biden was likely to win, among them the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, people who spoke with Mr. Trump said.”

CNN’S SHIMON PROKUPECZ (@ShimonPro): “First Lady Melania Trump has joined the growing chorus of President Trump’s inner circle advising him the time has come for him to accept the loss, a source familiar with the conversations tells CNN.”

AP’S JILL COLVIN, ZEKE MILLER and JONATHAN LEMIRE: “There are many in his inner circle egging him on, including his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani. The former New York mayor has been promising to provide the president with evidence of voter fraud but has produced little, including during a press conference he held Saturday in the parking lot of a small Philadelphia landscaping company next to an adult bookstore. Trump’s adult sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, have also urged their father to keep fighting and challenged Republicans to stand with them. …

“Trump senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner has told others that he has urged the president to accept the outcome of the race -- even if Trump won’t come to terms with how it was reached.”


MAN IN THE NEWS … AP: “Democrat Josh Shapiro reelected as Pennsylvania attorney general”

FT: “US business leaders call for peaceful transfer of power,” by Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson in New York: “Executives from across US industry called for a peaceful transfer of power as Donald Trump refused to concede the presidential election to Democrat Joe Biden.

“‘Now is a time for unity,’ said Jamie Dimon, chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, the nation’s largest bank by assets. ‘We must respect the results of the US presidential election and, as we have with every election, honour the decision of the voters and support a peaceful transition of power.’ Bill Ackman, the billionaire hedge fund manager, advised Mr Trump to admit defeat. ‘There comes a time in the battle when one should fold the tent’ he wrote on Twitter. ‘Think about your legacy and what’s best for the country. Concede graciously and call for unity from all who have supported you.’”

KYLE CHENEY and ANDREW DESIDERIO: “How 'Obamagate' and Hunter’s 'laptop from hell' fizzled”


Send tips to Eli Okun and Garrett Ross at [email protected].

TRANSITION -- Maggie Rousseau will be associate director of federal affairs at the Hub Project. She previously was deputy COS and comms director for Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.).

WEEKEND WEDDINGS -- Dionna Dorsey, founder of District of Clothing, and Don Calloway, of Pine Street Strategies and the National Voter Protection Action Fund, got married on Saturday at the St. Regis Hotel. After the ceremony, the wedding celebration moved to Black Lives Matter Plaza. Pic ... Another pic ... Video via WaPo’s Samantha Schmidt

-- Riley Roberts, a D.C.-based speechwriter/author and an Obama and Eric Holder alum, and Tina Thomas, a current Holder aide and Covington lawyer and an Obama State Department alum, got married on Saturday afternoon in a Covid-safe micro-wedding with immediate family and close friends with mandatory masks at D.C.’s District Winery. Holder had previously officiated the legal ceremony via Zoom. ... SPOTTED: Amber Macdonald, Sharmistha Das, Carlton Forbes, Terry Mullan, Andy Keeney and Leah Fiddler and Arnab Datta. Pic ... Another pic

-- Lauren Blair Aronson, comms director for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), and Phil Bianchi, policy adviser for Squire Patton Boggs, got married Saturday at the Officina at The Wharf in a smaller ceremony and dinner with family and friends. Pic

BIRTHDAYS: Rep. Mark Green (R-Tenn.) is 56 … “ABC World News Tonight” anchor David Muir is 47 … Wayne Berman, Blackstone senior managing director and head of global government affairs … Weston Loyd, a Trump White House and campaign alum … ABC’s Shushannah Walshe … Karen Sherman, president of the Akilah Institute (h/ts Jon Haber) … Lucy Bradlow, VP of strategic comms at the Glover Park Group … Leon Fresco, a partner at Holland & Knight … Casey Hernandez (h/t husband Paul Rosen) … Anthony Reedy … WaPo’s Tory Newmyer (h/t Tim Burger) … POLITICO’s Roger Jeannotte … L.A. Times’ Jackeline Luna … Erin Galloway … Matt Sandgren … Erin Cohan, senior manager of public policy at Amazon … Carolyn Walser, director of scheduling, Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) (h/ts Allison Preiss) … Jay Nelson, director of government affairs at the Council of State Governments Justice Center (h/t Ed Cash) … Rich Taylor… Ira Magaziner is 73 …

… Ben Williamson, W.H. senior comms adviser and deputy assistant to the president … John Hishta, SVP for campaigns at AARP … Kelsey Suter, VP of comms at Greenberg Quinlan Rosner … Frank Jimenez … Courtney Stamm … Latham and Watkins’ Christopher Martin … Bob Jones, co-chair of the federal government law and policy practice at Greenberg Traurig … NRSC’s Charlotte Law is 26 … Kelly Jane Torrance … Ashley Balcerzak, staff writer at The Record in North Jersey … Ashley Higgins … Michael D. Brown … POLITICO Europe’s Ivo Oliveira … Nicholas Swails … Charlie Posner … Samantha Sher … Mathew Konkler … Gail Shea Nardi … Peter Kadzik, partner at Venable, is 66 (h/t Amy Weiss) … Richard Socarides is 66 … George Twigg … Laurie Moskowitz … Beth Bernard (h/ts Teresa Vilmain) … Katt Riley (h/t Alice Lloyd) … Andrew Turner, executive assistant for Iowa state Auditor Rob Sand, is 25 … Nick Kozma is 43

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